No I haven’t actually. I think it is going to be quite good. I am intrigued. It’s cool to go down to Phillip Island as well- its good to go places you haven’t been, so I am looking forward to that.
Back in the day, when you were in Melbourne, how did you spend New Years Eve?
The last new years before we left for London we actually played at The Espy. It was the 4am in the morning slot, so we sort of had New Years standing back stage at the Espy listening to Spider Bait. (laughs)
Of the Pyramid lineup, is there anyone that you haven’t seen before that your looking forward to checking out?
I’m looking forward to checking out N.E.R.D I think. I’m excited. I’ve never seen them and I think it will be a fun show.
Is there anything special that we can look forward to for Pyramid Rock?
Well we have been trying out a couple of new songs that we have been writing and touring all over the place, so you know, we will definitely put them into the set I think. Hopefully they go down well.
After the awards, hype, national and international tours, country relocation, festivals and shows, what can we expect next from the Temper Trap?
It’s been a crazy couple of years. We have been touring all over and like you said we’ve relocated. We’ve got the Pyramid Rock show, and then we have one more show in Singapore for Laneway before we all meet back in London in early February and um, have a go at trying to write another album. That’s the only plan on the horizon. We want to try and make a really good album to follow up Conditions. Hopefully we will have something out by the end of next year, but we need to be really happy with what we have made. Hopefully that happens sooner rather than later, but you can’t really tell what is going to happen during the process.
How much have you written for the new album?
We have written a couple of new songs like I said before, whether or not they’ll be on the new album, I’m unsure. We don’t really have a body of music to reference against. You need to have something that works coherently together and yeah, its hard to say. I’d like to think so. The songs that we’ve made are quite different; they would be good to have on the album. But again I think it’s a matter of seeing what else we come up with and seeing how they work against some other songs.
These new songs though, you will be playing at the Pyramid Rock Festival is that right?
Yes the new songs, we will play at pyramid for sure.
So will you sort of gauge the audiences reaction and think about putting the new songs on the record?
Well, we sort of have been. We have this one song that’s 7 minutes long. It’s quite a departure from what we have been doing and we have been playing it. I think most people are a little bit shocked. Everyone sort of claps, but its one of those things that’s hard because everyone’s heard Conditions that are coming to the shows and everyone is sort of going crazy for those songs, its hard to say. You know, are they just clapping because that’s what you do? Or is it genuine?
Yes, like, ‘That’s not the Temper Trap we came to see!’
(Laughs.) Exactly, but we are really happy with what we have been doing. It doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t end up on the album. We’ve just had such little amount of time to write stuff, so we have just done what we can.
What’s been the inspiration for some of the new songs?
This time it’s been a little bit darker. I don’t think there has been any reason why there is that kind of sound. When we were in the studio sitting down, we just kind of had this darker sound come up and it’s just what we went with. It developed in that way with that intense feel. Whether or not that’s what we go for it’s just hard to tell.
Its very early days I suppose.
Yes that’s right. It’s always different. We need to come up with something that works as a whole. I don’t know what has inspired that sound on the songs that we’ve done, but I think once touring has come to an end, real development will happen.
You worked with Producer Jim Abiss on Conditions, will you be working with him again on the next album?
I wouldn’t rule it out, but I don’t think so. There has been talk of different producers and it really comes down to the songs as well. You know, once we have a group of songs we can then imagine what kind of producer would really suit the music. Not to say that Jim wasn’t good, it’s just we would like to see what we can come up with and who would be the best to suit to that sound and also who is available and that kind of thing.
Coming off the back of critically acclaimed Conditions, do you feel the pressure to meet and exceed expectations for the next album?
I think it’s one of those things, you can think about it too much and obviously we have been very successful and been very lucky to have the success that we have with Conditions and we would really like for that to keep going. I guess if you really think about it and worry about it, it becomes an issue. I mean, we all know we need to be aware that there is an expectation. But I think it’s a little bit unhealthy to focus on it too much because we really need to focus on an album that we really like. I think the mood in the band is that of optimism and not really thinking about the pressure. It’s there but we choose not to let it weight us down.
Personally Joeseph, if you were to write this record the way you would like it written and have it sound how you would want it to sound, where would you see this record go?
(Thoughtful.) Hmmm, interesting question. Well… (silence) I would really like to make an album that sounds amazing and has a lot of focus on everything recorded really well, something that could really take us to the next level. I’d really like to be in a band that, you know, is at that next level. Hopefully we can do that. I don’t think we are going to go for the extremely commercial approach but we just want to make really good music that is still accessible to people, without being too overly poppy or anything like that. So that’s where I’d like to see it go, an album that really appeals to people that can cross over a lot of different age groups and that sort of thing.
Joseph your sounding a bit tired and weary at the moment. If you could write a song now about anything you would like, what would it be? Maybe about how tired you are, or recent life events?
(Laughs) I’m feeling pretty good at the moment. I’m just chilling out in Melbourne; I’ve got a couple of days off here, so I am in pretty good spirits. I think if I were to go and write a song now id probably try and write something bright. Unlike when I am on the tour bus and we have been on tour for seven weeks, maybe that’s where we have come up with some of the darker stuff. (Laughs)
Now Joesph, how are you going to be spending Christmas this year?
I’m going to be in Melbourne, I think most of the boys are going to be in Melbourne actually. I think they might go to Bali, but I am pretty sure we are all going to be back here for Christmas, we have got Pyramid a few days after and everyone’s family is here and I am looking forward to it.
Do you do the whole, Pork or Turkey lunch with horrible hats and jokes?
Well, its hard for me because I moved over to Melbourne from New Zealand when I was 19 so my family were still in New Zealand then. I kind of just tagged along to a really untraditional lunch with friends. This year again, it’s probably going to be the same. I’m not too sure, nothing too traditional. But it might be nice, maybe one of the boys will invite me over to lunch with their family, put the hats on…
Yes sing some carols…
Yea sure.
Now the ARIAS, what are your feelings towards the ARIAS?
We were all over the moon to win two. It’s amazing; we were nominated last time and didn’t win anything, so we were a little disappointed. It was great to win two this year.
As for the award ceremony itself, do you think it was a complete mess?
See, we weren’t there. I have heard reports that things weren’t great, but I don’t want to speculate because I wasn’t there myself. You know, people have said that it was good and people have said that it wasn’t good. I’ve heard that people didn’t like the venue, whether or not they are going to change it next year we are going to have to wait and see, but again, I wasn’t there, I can only go by what other people are saying.
Do you still think that it’s relevant to win an ARIA? Like obviously you said your over the moon, how much weight does it hold to win an ARIA?
I think it’s still pretty special. You always see bands winning, it’s like a milestone I guess for Australian bands to reach. Whether or not it’s lost any of its prestige I couldn’t really say, I don’t feel like it has. I think it’s an honor to win anything especially relating to your music. I think it’s still just as good as it’s ever been.
Well, as you have said, you have heard reports good and bad, how would you see the ARIA awards run next year? Would there be any tips, from what you have heard that you could throw in there?
From what I have heard I think people were a little upset just from the layout and it being at the Opera House and not being able to see anything. The year before it was more like a stadium setting and that seemed to work quite fine, with the tables around the outside and I thought that was fine like that. So I guess, (laughs) not that my opinion probably matters to the people organizing it, but I think that probably might make it a little bit better. I think people felt uninvolved and didn’t really know what was going on.
Okay just to finish off with, I am just going to say a couple of words, and I just want you to tell me the first thought that comes into your mind.
Wesley Collage - Toby and Lorenzo – that’s two. But I had to say both names because they both went there.
London- Never there.
Camden – NME KOKO club night, that was our first show in London when we moved over.
Melbourne - Inspiration.
Fame – Not being on a tour bus.
Rock Star Life – Overratted.
Women – Not many around.
Success – Fantastic.
Fantastic, thanks so much for your time today Joseph.
(Laughs.) Thank you. I hope I gave you the right answers.
(Laughs) There were no wrong answers. They were great. Have a great Christmas and I look forward to catching you at Pyramid Rock.
Thank you.